Genesis 1 Describes the Creation of the World

One of the most popular verses written in the Holy Scripture was the very first verse of the Book itself which is Genesis 1:1 and here it is,

In the Beginning

The very first few words already describe the “beginning” which is the time when God had started His creations. At this point of time, only God Himself existed until He had finally decided to create everything.

However, the Holy Bible did not provide any accurate time or date when God started His creations. Rather, the content of the Holy Scripture is more focused about the details on how God set up everything from the very beginning.

In this very beginning period of time, God’s very first creation were the “heavens” and the “earth”. In some translations, both the heavens and the earth are referred to as the “universe”. But at this point of time, the earth was yet to be designed which was simply formless and desolate. Thus, God had set up the main foundations of the rest of His creations.

God the Creator

By reading the Book of Genesis, God has been described as “all-knowing” and “all-powerful” God Who was the Almighty One Who created everything from this World. God as the Creator is more clearly described by reading the Book of Jeremiah 10:16.

Aside from the Book of Jeremiah, another Scripture of the Bible that tells about God as the Maker of all things can be found in the Book of Isaiah 44:24.

By understanding this written Scripture, God as the Creator of everything proves that He is the only One true God Who is worthy of being served. It’s because He is the only One Who can be our savior.

When God created everything, He literally did it all by Himself and no one helped Him. Thus, creating everything was a complete demonstration of God’s true Power.

Upon knowing that God had created everything alone, many individuals are asking about “Who created God?”

The answer can be found in the Book of Psalm 90:2.

God did create everything but with the exemption of Himself. You have to know that God is “eternal” which means that “He has no beginning nor an end”. Thus, God is not affected by time.

Creation Out of Nothing

God is the only Creator who creates without the need of some sort of materials or preparations. He already demonstrated in Genesis 1 that He has the capability to create things out of nothing. What He simply does is to give His commands and it will be done.

We can read in the Book of Hebrews 11:3 about God Who created the entire universe by using His Word alone.

Perhaps, the only creation where God used a material was when He created Adam, the very first man. When God created Adam, He used “dust of the earth” which He previously created. We can read the complete details on how God created Adam in the Book of Genesis 2:7.

Aside from Adam was Eve, the very first woman. When God created her, God took one of Adam’s ribs as a material to create Eve. We can read the complete details in the Book of Genesis 2:21-22.

Lord Jesus Christ - the Word of God

It is actually very surprising to know that Lord Jesus Christ is also known as the “Word of God”. He has been described in the Book of John 1:1-4.

It has been clearly explained that Lord Jesus Christ was with God in the very beginning. This is because Lord Jesus Christ is God Himself and the Creator of everything. I would like to emphasize this part of the Scripture, “the Word was with God, and the Word was God”.

Therefore, without Lord Jesus Christ then the creation of everything would never happen.

The Earth was Formless and Desolate

Before we start, let’s first go over Genesis 1:1 to 2;

1 In the beginning, when God created the universe, 2 the earth was formless and desolate. The raging ocean that covered everything was engulfed in total darkness, and the Spirit of God was moving over the water.

Genesis 1:1 has already been discussed in this post. So if you have not read it yet, then you it’s best that you should read it first before you continue reading this one.

The earth was formless and desolate

When the time that God had created earth came out into its existence, it was totally formless or it was not yet designed. Perhaps you can imagine it in a way where earth was randomly scattered around on its place. So at this moment, the place was yet uninhabitable.

The raging ocean covered everything

Apart from being formless and desolate, earth was covered with water where its surface behaved similarly to a raging ocean.

Engulfed in total darkness

Light was not yet fixed by God so earth was totally engulfed with complete darkness.

Spirit of God was moving over the water

As God started His creation of heaven and earth, His Spirit was moving over the water. Could it possibly be that His Spirit acted as His own hands in reshaping and designing His entire creations? If you want to share your own thoughts then feel free to Comment it down below.

Genesis 1:1 Simple Explanation

In the previous post, we have already covered and explained Genesis 1:1. However, many are still getting confused with my explanation. So on this post, I wrote a much simpler explanation that anyone could easily understand.

So let’s start with the Bible’s Genesis 1:1 below;

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

In the beginning

The beginning that is being referred here on Genesis 1:1 was the “start of everything” but with the exception of God. You have to know that God Has no beginning where He was the only one that exists in the very beginning composed of a world with complete emptiness. Until, He had finally decided to start creating everything.


God is the one Who has created everything out of nothing. Thus, He is also known as the “Creator”. With such kind of amazing power, He is the One and Only true Almighty God worthy of being served. In Hebrew, God is also referred to as “Elohim”.


Our Almighty God or Elohim had demonstrated His power through His creations and that includes you.

The Heaven and the Earth

In this exact verse of Genesis, God had created heaven and earth but they were yet to be redesigned or arranged by God. He simply prepared the platform or foundation in order to begin his wonderful creations.