Why is Earth the only Planet Not Named after a Roman god?

By the time that we start going to school as a kid, one among the major subjects being thought is science. This is the subject that we importantly need to educate ourselves because it does really help knowing them.

Although, there are some aspects of science that often left us with some curious questions such as why did they named the planets in our solar system after the Roman gods and goddesses except earth?

Let’s name them all except those that are just recently discovered:

1. Mercury
2. Mars
3. Venus
4. Saturn
5. Neptune
6. Uranus
7. Jupiter

According to my research, people from the ancient period of time named these planets after their Roman gods and goddesses.

Solar System Planets

It has been theorized that all of these seven planets were probably clearly visible to the naked eyes of the people in the past. This was the closest speculation for them to know the existence of the planets unless they were actually technologically advance that we never thought about.

But at this time, they do not consider earth as a planet yet. It is probably the reason why they never changed its name.

Many years later passed particularly at the 17th century, humans had concluded that earth was also a planet.

Did the Bible Originally Named the Planets?

God never gave any names to those planets in our solar system except for the two of earths’ main light sources which is the Sun and the Moon. He even never referred to them as planets but “stars” and there are no further description about them that can be found on the Bible.

Try to read Genesis 1 verse 16.

Genesis 1:16

The creation of the planets which are stars takes us back when God created “lights from the sky”. Thus, their sole purpose is to emit light from the sky which can only be observed during the night.

In my own opinion, the stars or planets aren’t really much important for us to know about. If it happens that they can be inhabited by us humans, it isn’t really necessary for us to go and live into those planets because we already have everything we need here on earth.

But, I highly doubt if there are any planets out there that are pretty much the same as earth. It’s because according to the Bible, earth was the only place designed by God for mankind to live and prosper.

Is Earth really a Planet?

In the field of science, earth is 100 percent a planet. But in the Holy Bible, I couldn’t find any on its Scripture that it is considered as one among the stars in space or universe. Thus, it is not a planet or star.

Earth isn’t even the name of this world that we live in. God simply referred to earth as the “land or ground” areas of this world.

Read Genesis 1 verse 10.

Genesis 1:10

In my own personal opinion, I totally agree that it is best to call it earth rather than by any other name because God repeatedly mentioned it several times. Everything He made were for the benefit of the earth making it completely habitable for us to thrive.

Why did they name the Planets after Roman Gods?

With so many interesting names that one could come up to name the planets in our solar system, why did they choose to name them after the Roman gods and goddesses?

The answer to this question will take us back since the ancient period of time. Most people of the ancient world actually viewed that beyond the sky was the heaven. So for this reason, every objects that they discovered or sighted from space was that, they considered them as their gods and goddesses.

Every cultures around the world do have different names for the planets. But there is one thing in common, they name them after the gods that they worship.

You may even be surprised to know that the ancient Egyptians worship the sun as their god. Another interesting fact is the occurrence of the “solar or lunar eclipse”. Many people in the past believed that this rare event means that their god was angry where they immediately need to pray and ask for their forgiveness.

The earliest record on our history that named the planets according to their gods were the “Babylonians”. They had given names such as Nabu, Ishtar, Ninerta, Nergal and Marduk.

When the Greeks came next into power, they replaced it into their own deities names where they called them Hermes, Aphrodite, Ares Zeus and Cronos.

Next to the Greeks were the Romans in which they renamed the planets into their own and it is what the West have adopted and use until today.

Some of you may ask about the dwarf planet called, “Pluto” which was discovered back in 1930. This means that ancients didn’t originally named it but the scientists at the time of its discovery named it after the Greek god of the underworld.


Since we now know that the only reason why the ancient people named the planets according to their gods was due to their lack of knowledge about them. Isn’t it a good idea to rename them again to a much better and suitable ones?

Planet mars being now called by many as the “Red Planet” is one good example.

Scientists should come up with better names for these planets that provide some interesting and useful information about them. It’s because calling them by their Roman god names which is currently being thought at school just makes no sense to a kid.

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