Why God Referred to Himself in Genesis as We?

At the written Scripture found in the Old Testament of the Holy Bible Genesis, there is a very controversial issue about God addressing Himself as "We" or "Us". This means that God is referring to a certain unknown Entity or Entities who is/are already along with Him since the creation of man.

Who is this unknown Entity or Entities that God had spoken to in Genesis?

Is this Entity His Son Jesus Christ?

Or, Are they the angels?

Creation of Man

The plurality of God is first mentioned exactly on Genesis 1:26.

Genesis 1:26

Starting from the very beginning of Genesis 1:1-25, the Scripture clearly indicate that there is only one God who created the entire world until to the part of the creation of man. He suddenly referred to Himself as "We" and "Us" by saying that, "And now we will make human beings; they will be like us and resemble us."

This gives the impression that God needed some help or assistance to His fellow Companions to create mankind.

The First Sin

Another plurality of God is mentioned again in Genesis 3:22.

Genesis 3:22

Adam and Eve had committed the very first sin against God through their disobedience where they had eaten the forbidden fruit from the "tree that gives knowledge of what is good and bad". Because of that, God said that man "has become like one of us".

God mentioned again the word "Us" referring to "Them" and not "He" alone. So to whom is He really talking?

The Tower of Babylon

When the first people of the world built the tower of Babylon, they only have one type of language that they used. So God had decided to introduce different form of languages so that they won't be able to understand one another. This Scripture is written at Genesis 11:7.

Genesis 11:7

In relation to the plurality of God, the word "Us" is used again on this Scripture. Who is along with Him who helped mixed up the language of these first people?

God Appeared to Abraham

When God appeared to Abraham, Genesis 18:1-3 describes the Lord as "three men".

Genesis 18:1-3

It is very conflicting why on Genesis 18:1 states that, "The Lord appeared to Abraham..." which is a singular form. But then, on Genesis 18:2, Abraham saw three men which is a plural form. And as you continue to read on Genesis 18:3, Abraham confirmed that there is more than one of them by addressing the Lord as "Sirs".

Possible Explanations of God as a Plural Being

"Elohim" is actually one of the primary titles of God in the Old Testament. According to some sources, this title has been used over 2,500 times from the original manuscript. In fact, the original title used in Genesis 1:1 is Elohim.

Genesis 1:1

As an English translation, Elohim was replaced with the title "God" which clearly states that the creator is Singular. But, did you know that Elohim is a plural noun in the Hebrew language? So the correct translation should be "Gods". If it's singular then the word "El" should have been used but it's not.

However, if there are several Gods then this will create a major conflict from the Scripture written at Isaiah 44:6.

Isaiah 44:6

Our Almighty Lord God has declared that He is the first, the last and only God that exists. As a follow up, God made another interesting statement at Isaiah 44:8 about other gods.

Isaiah 44:7

At Isaiah 44:8, God had asked the people of Israel of any other powerful gods that He never heard about. This is another solid proof from the Scripture that He alone is the powerful God who is the Creator of everything.

Although, it is still very quite intriguing why the title of our Creator have been used grammatically wrong throughout the Bible. Is it really just an error? If it's not then why did the Holy Spirit choose the word "Elohim" which is a plural term as the preferred title of God?

1. God is Probably Referring to the Angels

Some people claims that God is referring to the angels when he spoke of the word "We" or "Us" particularly in the written Scripture of Genesis. The angels are probably His witnesses who have seen God's creation of the world from the very beginning. Thus, He sometimes use plural terms to refer to His actions.

But, the Bible never mention anything about angels capable of creating human life. There is also no written Scripture found on the Bible that angels are also made in the image of God. Or, man was made in the likeness of angels.

2. God is Probably Referring to Jesus Christ

Some sources claims that the first creation of God was Jesus Christ since he is the "first-born" Son stated at the Scripture at Colossians 1:15. Due to this reason, God was referring to Jesus Christ every time He uses the term "We" or "Us".

Colossians 1:15

Although, the term "first-born Son" seems to have a very deep meaning. It's pretty unclear if it really refers to Jesus Christ as God's very first creation.

As an additional support of this claim is the Scripture of Hebrews 1:3.

Hebrews 1:3

Hebrews 1:3 clearly states that Jesus Christ is the reflection of God's glory so as the exact copy of His own being. He also sustain the universe through his powerful word. And just after going through the trouble of saving mankind of our sins, God gave him the honor to sat at His right side.

If the Almighty God sits at the middle and Jesus Christ is at His right side then, there is probably another Being who sits at the left side. This makes them a total of three Powerful Beings referred at Genesis 18:1-2.

3. God, the Son and the Holy Spirit

God is about everything, the Creator of all things while the Son is referred as no other than Jesus Christ who saved mankind (us) from our sins. But, who is this third being known as the "Holy Spirit"?

The strongest point of the Holy Spirit as a third Entity can be read at Matthew 28:19.

Matthew 28:19

When Jesus ordered his eleven disciples to talk to people everywhere and make them his disciples, he added that these people will be baptized in the name of the "Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit". He said "in the name" which means that there are three different Beings because they have they own respective names. Father, God and our Creator already have His name revealed in the Bible. His Son goes by the name, "Jesus Christ". But, the name of the third Being remains a mystery.

Another Scripture in the Holy Bible with a strong point about the Holy Spirit can be read at John 14:26.

John 14:26

Jesus Christ refers to the Holy Spirit as "The Helper". This clearly indicates another powerful Entity. More description of the Holy Spirit is describe at John 14:16-17

John 14:16-17

Jesus Christ describes the Holy Spirit as a "Helper" and "Spirit". And, this Holy Spirit even have a gender which is a "he". Although, you cannot see him since he is a Spirit.

Overall, the closest possible conclusion is that God referred to Himself as "We" or "Us" (in plural forms) because of His Son and the Holy Spirit who were probably the once along with Him since the beginning of the world's creation.

How God Created Man?

In the First Testament of the Holy Bible, "how God created mankind" starts on Genesis 1:26-27 where He created the first man and women "in His own image" or "making them to be like himself". Does this means that we look pretty much the same as our Creator since we are a copy of His image? Many individuals are actually confused about what this exactly mean so let's uncover the answer.

God had created the first human beings on the sixth day of His creation. This was after preparing Earth as a perfect habitation for all living creatures. On Genesis 1:27, the Holy scripture clearly states that God created both male and female "to be like himself". So here comes another intriguing question.

Genesis 1:26-27

How can God be a male and female?

It is indeed conflicting if we are going to think that God is referring to His physical likeness. Well, it is not because God is spirit (John 4:24) where He does not have a physical body like man.

John 4:24

The meaning behind the creation of human beings based on God's own image are based on this following criteria:

1. Higher Form of Mental Capacity

What makes us completely separate from the other living creatures or animals is our mental capacity to think. We are capable of solving problems, invent machines, artistic and so many other skills that allowed us to advanced our life styles towards technological age.

God had even mentioned on Genesis 1:28 that Earth will be under man's full control.

Genesis 1:28

Through our mental capabilities, we are able to occupy the world and become superior to all other living creatures here on Earth.

2. Good Moral Value

Everyone of us are created by God from the very start that we breathe life on this world with righteousness and perfect innocence. This is the image of God's holiness. We also know what is right and wrong. If we are about to do a certain bad thing, our conscience often tell us not to it because it's wrong.

3. Fellowship and Social Interaction

God's main purpose about the creation of man is to "Glorify Him" (Isaiah 43:7).

Isaiah 43:7

How do we glorify God? The answer into this question is best explained at Psalm 100:2-3

Psalm 100:2-3

On Psalm 100:3, the Bible mentions again the word "people". We are God's people where we do rightfully belong to Him. So in return, we have to acknowledge him as our only God which can be done through worshiping Him with great joy.

As a part of worshiping God, it is actually best done by a group of people or more commonly known as a "fellowship".

On Genesis 2:18, God created the first female companion of the man because living alone is not good. This is probably where the famous quote, "No man is an island" has been derived.

Genesis 2:18

As a result, we need to socially interact with someone. We do often make friends, marry our long time partner in life, have children and etc... All of these social interactions are made in the likeness of God.

4. Free Will

God had created each of us with our own "Free Will". This is our freedom to make our own choices and act on our own decisions. Unfortunately, the first man used his free will to commit the first sin by rebelling against God.

Romans 5:12

On Romans 5:12, due to Adam and Eve's sin, God brought death as punishment which they also passed down into their descendants. This is the reason why everyone has to die someday particularly due to old age.

James 3:9

James 3:9 actually speaks about the human tongue where no one is yet able to tame it. We do use it to give thanks to Him but also, we do use it to curse other people especially our enemies or individuals that we do not like. And that sad part is that, we use it to curse such individual who is created in the likeness of God.

Thus, James 3:9 proves that we still bear the image of God but also the scars of sin that we inherited from the first man.

Creation of Adam and Eve

God's creation of the first man is actually more described in clear detail on Genesis 2:7, the creation of Adam.

Genesis 2:7

God used soil that He took from the ground and molded it into a human figure. And to make it alive, He gave a "life-giving breath" into his nostrils. This first man was a male named, "Adam".

The second human was a female named, "Eve" (Genesis 2:21-22).

Genesis 2:21-22

Unlike Adam, God created the women Eve out from Adam's ribs.

Overall, the Bible teachings about God's creation of the man and the entire world shows the Greatness of His Power. Thus, He is the only God worthy of being acknowledge as the true Lord and God to be glorified by all of us.