What it means when God said “Let there be Light”?

Can you just imagine the world we live today without light? Everybody would be living a life of being blind that we can’t do so much for ourselves.

The existence of light is very important for us which allows us to grow and harvest our food to eat. Yes, other living things especially plants do need light to survive. So without plants, it will be impossible for us to live on this world.

On the Bible’s Old Testament, the word “light” was first mentioned on Genesis 1 verse 3.

Genesis 1:3

Some individuals interpret what God said about “Let there be light” as a form of metaphor. This means, it has a deeper meaning. The reason why is because of the very first verse Genesis 1:1 which stated that God created the universe.

Genesis 1:1

When God created the universe, everything had already came into existence including light. The rest was more about redesigning it particularly earth.

On the other hand, some individuals do have an understanding that light only began to exist on Genesis 1:3 when God commanded it.

If you are going to read the succeeding Holy Scriptures about God’s creation of the world, God had commanded all things to come into their rightful places.

Now, when it comes to my own understanding. Both interpretations are correct.

When God created the universe, it means that He already created everything. This means that physical form of light may already exist somewhere else in the universe. However, earth remains undeveloped at that time which is described on Genesis 1:2. So at this point, God started renovating earth for us human to live.

God commanding the light to appear on Genesis 1:3 was God’s creation of light specifically for earth.

Metaphorical Meaning of Light

The Holy Bible mentions more about light but with metaphorical meaning.

One of the best Scripture that I like most is John 8:12 where Jesus said that he is the “light of the world”.

John 8:12

This Scripture is actually so easy to interpret where Jesus was speaking in metaphor and not the physical form of light. We will discussing more about the meaning of this Scripture on another separate post.

Another Scripture found on the Holy Bible about light which has connection between God and Jesus Christ can be read at 1 Corinthians 4:6.

1 Corinthians 4:6

On this Scripture, God’s creation of light from the very beginning is mentioned. And as a Christian, He is the same God who made his light shine into our hearts which means that we are able to understand and interpret His glory through the teachings of Jesus Christ.


Physical Light

In the Old Testament, when God spoke of the words “Let there be light”, it was a form of creation where physical form of light appeared.

But in the New Testament, light is more often used as a metaphor especially when light is referred to Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ being the light of the world means that he brought enlightenment to this world. So anyone who follows his teachings will never be lead astray and get salvation with eternal life. In short, light can be interpreted as the truth or guidance towards our salvation.

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